Tuesday, September 22, 2009

High Windows by Philip Larkin

-Why the use of the "s" sound
-What does the beginning part of the poem have to do with it?
-How old is the persona
-why is paradise having sex, taking the pill, and wearing a diaphragm
-was the persona one of the kids described in the beginning of the poem?
-what's with the "go done the long slide" and does it represent the long slide-metaphor
-Does Larkin have something against religion
-what is the effect of the simile- "like free bloody birds"
-what's the motif of bonds and freedom-why?
-Is there a feeling at of regretg
-whats an outdated combine harvester?
-does the persona feel jealous towards youth
-who is the he
whats the effect in the last sentence using nothing nowhere and endless

-k/d/z sounds
-the sences-motif
-fuck is normalling used to with words with anger

After we get the form of the poem
-the real poem the little reflective part is in italics
-4 lines in each stanza and 5 stanza
-last 2 stanzas rhyme (a/b/a/b//c/d/c/d) (no ture line stanza
-frequent enjambment-12 words-between every single stanza- paradise, slide, dark, immediately
-3rd stanza"to happiness" is emphasized
-4 sentences total (endlessy priest birds endless)
-2 words before and after the italics part
-hard k d and s sound (z) also
-title "High windows"
-last 3 major words in the last line -diction
-first stanza by itself has a very different meaning than that larger poem

Possible meanings
-the persona is looking back on life before he commits suicide
-going to hell
-life flashes before your life.
-middle age crisis (crisis of confidence a certain age
-critique of poetry and art

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