Monday, November 9, 2009

Act 1 scene 4 and 5

In Act 1 Scene 4 it is significant because this scene is what tells what happens to the king Hamlet, And i think that the story line will revolve around this for the rest of the play.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hamlet Act 1 scene 1

Setting: Cold
Christmas threat/paranoia
feeling of violence
sun rising @ end
anxiety, uncertainty/uncertainty
focus on what has happened

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Prodigal

A Prodigal
By Elizabeth Bishop

-No direct role in actions of poem
-comments on side action
-"He" who lives in barn
-sent away (ordered?)
-why has he chosen to endure.
-hyphen/ dashes
-compound words
by sty bouts condure dark bard time
-4 sentences sstart w/ a but or and an
-missing something
-needs something else to exist.
-Day to night
-mostly miserable sort of happy
-"burning puddle"
-oxymorn-apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction

Is the title supposed to be Ironic
Why is "farmer"'s roles?
Why did he stay so long
Why did he hide the drinks
Breathing thick hair.
Exiled, for what
What is the significance of "the Ark"
Who/what is the persona?
Why animals?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


By Philip Larkin

Ignorance - Lacking knowledge or sophistication, (state of being) unaware, not understanding, lack of knowledge and information

In poem: Do not understand why "they" are doing something
- Acting on a lack of... knowledge, understanding, sophistication

- 3 five line stanzas
- Use of enjambment - sure, flesh, die
- Use of rhyme - first line has no rhyme, ABBCC
- Consonance - Lots of S sounds, R sounds,
- Pronoun change
- Lots of commas
- Repetition of the word strange
- Contrast of knowledge/ignorance
- Italics in stanza 1
- Hyphen stanza 3
- First and second stanza starts with strange second, ends with strange, no strange in last stanza
- Second stanza - third line longer --> right in the middle of

For the oral commentary you need to talk about context

Stuff that we know about Larkin
-Use of puncuntation
-Repetition of consentience sounds

What is the relationship between form and meaning?
The rhyming in every line except the first one gives the meaning a more light hearted feel even though of the strong meaning saying that we really don’t know anything.

Meaning of this poem.
-beliefs v. knowledge
-layers of ignorance
-sex and virginity
-primal instincts
-both this and the mower have the I sound
-futile focus on the wrong elements.
-negative view on the action and habits of…

What is the form

There is a pronoun shift between the stanzas.
There is a rhyme
Enjambment-sure, flesh, die
Longer middle line
-Consonance-s, -r, -n, -ng words
Stanzas of equl number of lines

Connections between the meaning and form.

Death to enjambment (sure, flesh, die)—because it’s a new beginning. Enjambment kind of breaks

Sex+virginity-longer middle line- second stanza is about sex. (death and sex)

The Mower

English Class Notes

The Mower

The Last stanza is a couplet
Stanza 3/3/3/2 (333x2=666—connection with title-is the mower a devilish figure)

Symbolism (In the Zodiac, a hedgehog can represent: happiness, energy Does the mower kill happiness an energy (in the persona?)

Hedgehog –symbolic of…
-thorny outside
-you can hold it in a certain way comfortably, but hold it a different way it can hurt

The use of enjambment/punctuation emphasizes specific words and phrases
Killed, unmendably, burial was no help. We should be careful, once twice kneeling mauled

-ed verbs

-ED sounds
-Hard S sounds

Larkins Style

-vugar language
-4 lines per stanza
-a little bit of rhyme

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

High Windows by Philip Larkin

-Why the use of the "s" sound
-What does the beginning part of the poem have to do with it?
-How old is the persona
-why is paradise having sex, taking the pill, and wearing a diaphragm
-was the persona one of the kids described in the beginning of the poem?
-what's with the "go done the long slide" and does it represent the long slide-metaphor
-Does Larkin have something against religion
-what is the effect of the simile- "like free bloody birds"
-what's the motif of bonds and freedom-why?
-Is there a feeling at of regretg
-whats an outdated combine harvester?
-does the persona feel jealous towards youth
-who is the he
whats the effect in the last sentence using nothing nowhere and endless

-k/d/z sounds
-the sences-motif
-fuck is normalling used to with words with anger

After we get the form of the poem
-the real poem the little reflective part is in italics
-4 lines in each stanza and 5 stanza
-last 2 stanzas rhyme (a/b/a/b//c/d/c/d) (no ture line stanza
-frequent enjambment-12 words-between every single stanza- paradise, slide, dark, immediately
-3rd stanza"to happiness" is emphasized
-4 sentences total (endlessy priest birds endless)
-2 words before and after the italics part
-hard k d and s sound (z) also
-title "High windows"
-last 3 major words in the last line -diction
-first stanza by itself has a very different meaning than that larger poem

Possible meanings
-the persona is looking back on life before he commits suicide
-going to hell
-life flashes before your life.
-middle age crisis (crisis of confidence a certain age
-critique of poetry and art

Monday, September 21, 2009

next please

Rhyme Scheme = AABB different from all other poems
6 4 line stanzas
Enjambment = we day clear stalks balks tits it's unload owed back wake
Last line always shorter in stanza - makes the words in it more pronounced
Clear message
Not too vulgar
The new form makes me read it more because when it's jumbled I lost some key words

14 commas, 6 periods, 2 semicolons, 1 colon, 2 exclamation points.
Some rhyme: day/say, clear/near, waste/haste, stalks/balks, prinked/distinct, past/last, unload/owed, long/wrong, wake/break
Nautical motif
s sounds, b sounds, w sounds
Description of boat

- Reflective
- Regret
- Expectancy --> dissapointment
- Hope
- Anger
- Anticipation
- "something always approaching"
- seems slow
- waiting
- it's gone as soon as it's here
- nothing lasts forever
- death is the only thing that's final
- Mockery/Stupidity